Monday, November 13, 2006

xchagalx Listen up mates, there's a new threat at sea!

Ahoy, Navy men and women. Seems we have further confirmation that in this 21st century and its potential technilogical breakthroughs, we can't take our security for granted. NBC has an interesting take on advancements in undersea warfare .. that leave us with an empty feeling of not knowing what's up .. or more importantly down.

NBC tells us about the AIP Swedish submarine. What's its 'big deal' capabilities? Take a look at their report
it's enough to make an old ASW sailor cry, "Man your battle stations!"
If that's not enough, the Washington Times (most assuredly not the Washington Post) adds significantly to what should be our deep concern.
You can see why at
Ask yourself .. is our Trident system still invulnerable? And what are we doing about this development?


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